Feeling lost
I was very fortunate that my mother was able – and willing – to tell me what she was feeling for the first few years of her illness. This made it easier for me to know what to do and say to help her feel more secure.
She was feeling very uneasy one day so I asked her –
“Do you think you are lost?”.
“Yes”, she replied “that’s exactly it. If I don’t know where I am, how is anyone else supposed to know it either?”
It made perfect sense to me. It made me think how frightening it must be to feel lost and not to be able to find your way back out of this maze. It helped me to be more patient when she asked me the same question over and over again. All she was trying to do was to get some information and be able to hold onto it.
I just kept reminding her that I knew where we were and that I would always find her.